How to manage your team's players
Once you've been assigned to a team, you'll be able to edit the team including its players. Click on the button to "View Teams" at the top of the dashboard and you should then see the "Team Manager" page.
From this view, you can edit a team's players by clicking the "View Players" link for the team you'd like to manage.
From the resulting page you'll be able to:
- View/Add/Edit a player
- Remove a player
- Go back to the Teams page to work with another team, if you are a coach/manager of more than one team
- Get help from a Ewing Sports expert if you need it
Edit a player
To edit a player, first click the link to "View Player."
From the resulting dialog window, click the "Edit Player" button in red at the top. On the next screen you'll be able to edit the player's attributes.
The following fields are required:
- First Name
- Last Name
- Number (this must be a unique number on the team — no other player can share a number)
You may add the other fields, too, which will help customers identify their players later if their records are not initially connected in our system.
When done editing, click the "Update Player" button.
Assign a Customer to a Player
It's very important to assign a customer to a player. Customers have accounts and can place orders, which players can not. Until a customer is assigned to a player, an automated "welcome" email will not be sent. While a parent, guardian, coach, or other customer can always search for a player and add them, it's easiest to assign a customer to a player now. To do so, after having selected "View Player" from the player list view, click "Assign New Customer" from the resulting page.
You can then search for a customer by email. You can then select the customer you'd like to associate the player with, from the list. If no customer is found, you can add a new customer by clicking the "Add a new customer" link at the bottom and then completing the form.
Remove a Customer from A Player
If you'd like to remove a customer from a player, just click the link to "Remove Customer" and follow the directions.
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